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Looking for tools to help you control your anger? Mental health counseling services and other self-help life coaches routinely recommend anger management worksheets as a tool for managing anger.

What are Anger Worksheets?

These are simple, plain worksheets containing questions with space for writing answers – somewhat like a self-driven anger management course, with the ultimate objective of getting control over our anger.

Similar to anger management games in their purpose, these worksheets help us identify the real source of our fury, and help us contain it and redirect it appropriately by addressing the source, instead of potentially misdirecting it at someone or something else.

Questions in Anger Management Worksheets

The questions listed below are typical, and may vary slightly from worksheet to worksheet, depending on what aspects of anger management are being covered.

As a simple exercise to control you anger, go through the questions below.

Q1. Are You Angry?

The first set of questions in anger management worksheets generally aim at recognizing our temper. We need to know we are angry to begin with before we get to addressing it.

How do we recognize the feeling of anger? A lot of times it is not hard as we know, but sometimes it can be deceptive.

Since being angry is invariably accompanied by stress, many of the symptoms of stress can also indicate our anger. Additionally, with losing our temper also comes the urge to take it out on someone or something else.

If you constantly find yourself in an argument with others, verbally or even physically assaulting others, or avoiding others because you know you may get into an argument or a fight with them, that is a strong indication that you have an anger problem at hand.

Q2. Why Are You Angry?

Anger is a secondary emotion. What that means is it almost always follows another emotion – be it disappointment, jealousy, frustration or insecurity.

Identifying these real sources of our temper would help us get to addressing it quicker, than otherwise. So anger worksheets have questions that typically delve into the underlying emotion that actually made us angry.

Q3. What Do You Do When Angry?

Now, identify your response to anger. Do you take it out on others? If yes, how? Or do you bottle it up inside?

Identifying, acknowledging and writing down our responses to such questions, helps us channel our “anger” energy into getting a better understanding of ourselves. This will help prevent the most common reaction – misdirecting our temper at someone or something else.

Additionally, expression is one of the good anger management techniques and writing down your feelings is an excellent passive form of expression where you get to vent it out without affecting or involving others.

Q4. What Should You Do When Angry?

In other words, decide how to control anger by figuring out what you think is the most effective method for you.

Delayed reaction, changing your internal dialogue and effective expression are all excellent ways to deal with anger.

This step involves taking a note of what is working for us, and what is not.

Filling out such anger worksheets gives us an opportunity to analyze ourselves and our responses, giving us a chance to learn to change them as needed. Such an exercise will go a long way in helping us achieve our anger management goals.

Working With Anger Worksheets: Next Steps

While anger management worksheets can help you figure out the source of your anger, you may find that you could use some help in resolving the anger issue once it is identified. Many times, identifying the source of anger may be sufficient to work the problem, but other times it may not.

So, as an addition to anger management worksheets, you may also try listening to self hypnosis sessions that can help you get control back over your anger, or you may also consider enrolling in anger management classes.

More Anger Resources