On this page you will find plenty of tips, advice and experiences shared by our readers in the areas of health, self improvement and motivation.
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Do share your thoughts here. Remember that someone else will benefit from your valuable insight, and will thank you for your guidance.
Click on below links to read other tips, suggestions and personal experiences. They are all shared by our visitors just like you!
Understand what anger is and use it as a tool to improve your life.
I worked with incarcerated young women whose anger led them to hurt themselves or others. I also tend to get angry when I have a goal and things …
Drug-Free Panic Cures
Hi everyone, my name is Julie M. I have a few tips to share with you for overcoming panic attacks. The first is fairly well known – take a brown paper …
Using Sleep Science To Maximize Your Daytime Productivity
It’s amazing to think that only about 60 years ago the scientific community (and by extension, all of us) knew very little about sleep – how it works, …
Happily Married
I am happily married from the last 8 years, and blessed with two kids. When you get married, you enter into a new world; life becomes so rosy, at least …
Tips For Getting Through a Panic Attack
Having gone through a period of intense and increasing panic attacks myself, I picked up a few very effective techniques for getting through them when …
Always Try To Keep It Going
For me, the expression “its the little things that matter the most” has really done wonders because I’ve always kept it at the back of my head. When my …
My Ways of Help to Ease Panic Attacks
I have been dealing with both anxiety and panic attacks for years. I have sought out several ways to defeat panic attacks in the short term and long term. …
Using Self Hypnosis CDs Does Work – If You Believe
I have used self improvement CDs to quit smoking, and also for stress relief. I have ordered them online, and there were a few – but, the one I wanted …
Memory Games to Strengthen Memory
It is very important to keep our brain working. Memory games easily help us train our brain cells and thus protect us from brain degeneration memory …
My Self-Imposed Therapy
As a person who has been diagnosed with clinical depression, I’ve made a conscious decision to be positive in everything I do. I’m using the knowledge …
I have always thought of myself as a positive person. It could always be worse. I don’t remember being any other way. My parents taught me to be thankful …
How to Deal With Stress? Just Breathe..
I was 8 years old when I had my first break down at school. I continued to justify my attitude by telling my teachers I had an attitude problem and I …
Take Control – Manage Your Panic Attacks
Do you suffer from Panic attacks? Panic attacks can strike seemingly without warning. They can be debilitating and scary. Here are my tips for …
Change Your Direction and Leave Anxiety Behind
Having past experience from anxiety, and associated skin conditions, my long lasting solutions are quite confrontational, but always easy to implement …
Steps for Learning Not to Panic
I had never really believed that people have panic attacks. I thought, “What could be so stressful that it would make you lose such control of your emotions.” …
Easy ways to increase your memory by doing day-to-day activities
There are lots of strategies applied by different people to improve memory. The first technique is repeating a certain thing on a regular basis. Suppose …
Memory tips for the College Student
In my college career I have been forced to adopt many memory tricks to improve memory. The most important thing I would suggest for improving memory is …
Good Discipline Manual: Step 1 – Understand the kid/parent “mechanics”
What’s the first thing you will do when you open that new blue-ray video player that you know you’re getting for Christmas (besides saying “wow”)? Of …
Calming My Anxiety
One of the things that helped me deal with stress is the use of self-hypnosis. I have used self-hypnosis CDs for several different areas in my life. I …
Exercise, Art, and Rest to Deal with Stress
I’ve suffered from needless anxiety all my life. In order to be able to deal with the stress, when I told my doctor I was scared of everything having to …
Anger Used To Be An Issue…
I used to have a real issue with anger, and managing my anger. It got so bad, I got sent to a place called Copestone for 8 days. While I was there, they …
Piracetam and Others to Improve Memory
I’ve tried a variety of different memory enhancing supplements over the past three or four years. I think the most effective one is Piracetam, which can …
How to Deal with Stress – My Ways
First of all everyone gets stressed out. It’s a human nature. So like everyone else I also get stressed often, and being a teenager it’s usually more …
Panic Attacks and Public Places
Here are my experiences in having anxiety attacks in public places, and my efforts in overcoming these panic and anxiety attacks. I have sat in my car …
Staying Positive in Tough Times
One of my self improvement and motivation tips to stay positive is – “Be where you are”. 1. A very wise teacher told me, “Be where you are.” She meant …
Anger management tips for adults
As a teacher, there are many moments in a day when anger can creep up. It is usually not directed toward children, but often at adults. Schedule changes, …
The Beauty of Relationships
I have a long term relationship with my partner. I would like to share my thoughts on having a good relationship. The first tip to have a long-lasting …
Asking Key Questions to Manage Anger
I use three key questions to manage anger: The first question is, “Who can I talk to about this?” I need to be able to blow off steam to a sympathetic …
How to be a confident person
There are plenty of tips on building self confidence in your everyday life. 1. Don’t worry too much about the results of whatever it is that makes …
Building Self Confidence through Building Knowledge, Method of Delivery, and Location
Self confidence is feeling confident in the knowledge, method of delivery, location, and people. Knowledge – this part of self confidence is feeling …
Fun Family Memory Games to Improve Memory
To help keep my short term memory in tip top order, I play a simple memory game with my son while we are in the car. He will state a 3 digit number and …
Using Your Smartphone to Stress Less
When it comes to technology, we sometimes think of ways it can add stress to our already hectic lives. There are emails to send and text messages to check, …
How Counselling Can Help Improve Your Professional Development
Counselling is used in a variety of different ways to assist the professional development of employees, from helping to enhance abilities and achieve potential, …
Overcome “Approach Anxiety” Using 2 Simple Methods
Approach anxiety (or the “fear of approach”) is the name for a very frustrating fear that stops men from approaching and talking to women, even if they …
Four Things You Need to Know Before Your Wife Conceives
You’ve recently had “the talk” with your wife, and apparently you’ve agreed to start trying to make a baby. At first thought, you might assume that this …
How to Have a Stress Free Holiday
We all know that stress is damaging to our health, mental well being and general state of mind. Too often we wait until we’re burned out before we even …
Must-Dos for Prioritizing Family & School
Time feels limited, nearly non-existent. Despite full-time jobs and a family to support, you made the decision to return to school— and graduate. To return …
The Workflow of Family Meals: Finding a Tasty Gameplan
Photo by Flickr user Liz The children are whiny and hungry, and you just can’t handle another night of fast food, but you haven’t planned anything …
Thoughtful and Unique Gifts for Any Occasion
As the old saying goes, “It’s the thought that counts.” A mindful gift means much more than something that was apathetically chosen and stuck in a gift …
Mind, Body and Spirit: Prepare for a Healthy Pregnancy
It is impossible to be completely prepared for all the emotional changes that come with getting pregnant, but a little forethought goes a long way. As …
Mindful Thinking Over Positive Thinking
Photo by M. Dolly Mind over matter. Easy enough to say. Over Thanksgiving I was visiting family in Tucson, Ariz., and agreed to go on an afternoon …
Are You a Victim of Being Too Busy?
Photo by Alice Popkorn We’re caffiene-dependent and sleep-deprived. We hustle through the day mindlessly fulfilling our obligations — from commuting …
Hating Work? 6 Tips to Make Work Fun!
On average, most full-time employees spend 40 to 60 hours a week at work. That’s anywhere from 2,000 to 3,000 hours a year that you’re spending with other …
Don’t Go Broke! Budget-Friendly Valentine’s Day Gifts She’ll Love
Valentine’s Day evokes images of your special lady opening a heart-shaped box of chocolates, admiring the roses you’ve brought her and enjoying a romantic …
My Biggest Fear is..
My biggest fear is being rejected by the opposite sex. Do you feel the same way, too? Here’s what can you do about it: Fear of rejection is a common …
Relationship Problems and The Bigger Picture
When you’re faced with a problem of some kind in your relationship, there is the tendency to crush, or defeat the problem, as if the problem itself was …
Build Your Career With Better Vocabulary
A good vocabulary is essential for career success whether you’re just entering the workforce, or hoping to move forward in your career. Many professionals …
Build Your Child’s Self- Esteem With Spelling
A hundred years ago, every school had “spelling bees” where children would compete to show who had the best spelling skills. The winner was admired by …
Can Speed Reading Skills Build Self-Confidence?
Speed reading is a skill that most people don’t take the time to acquire. Most people think that the ability to read is enough for them to get by in this …
Does A Good Night’s Sleep Improve Your Memory?
There are a couple of reasons why sleep is important. First, it is the primary way of providing your body with the time to rest in order to recuperate …
What Causes Panic Attacks
Do you suffer from occasional panic attacks and wonder what causes panic attacks in the first place? Panic attacks can be debilitating mentally and …
Do You Know That Positive Thinking Can Actually Improve Your Health?
It’s not just that it makes you feel better. Thinking positively and having a positive attitude can actually improve your health. A MayoClinic.com …
10 tips to skyrocket your self-confidence
Everyone wants to love themselves and want to love their life, however some people may not feel that way. You may feel like you are sick of everything, …
Turning Junk Food to Healthy Food for Quick Weight Loss
It is not an unknown fact that over-consumption of junk food causes a great deal of problems for the health. Neither is the junk food resistible. The …
How to Deal With Stress – Anger Management Tips
Stress is one of the common conditions that most of us deal with but fail to recover from it. There are various factors that can cause stress and some …
How I Use My Bicycle To Defeat The Winter Blues
I don’t know about you, but because I choose to live in the mountains of Northern California, I have to make a few adjustments to my exercise routine …