A study conducted by British researchers recently found that heart disease was more prevalent among patients with panic disorder.
The study – which tracked patient records for 12 years – found that this risk is significantly higher for female patients aged between 16 to 40, but not particularly any higher for those older than 50.
The silver lining, if any, from this study? Although the incidence of heart disease is higher among those with panic disorder – interestingly – the death rate from heart disease is lower among these patients, than others!
Before you get worried from this, you should know that occasional panic attacks are rarely harmful, if any. It’s just the sense of fear that drives many to the edge, but not because of any associated physical problem.
But, panic disorders are some thing else. If the incidence of panic attacks is so severe and so recurrent that you rarely get by without a panic attack hitting you, then you may be having a panic disorder.
Additionally, the study itself noted that these results should be interpreted with caution, due to several limitations in conducting the study. But either way, it’s still a good enough reason for those with a history of panic attacks to be appropriately screened for heart disease!
According to the APA, a caffeine-induced anxiety disorder can manifest itself through several symptoms such as anxiety and panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder or even schizophrenia.
The condition is completely avoidable simply by staying clear of caffeine!