by Mehrajunnisa

Memory games help improve my memory

Memory games help improve my memory

It is very important to keep our brain working. Memory games easily help us train our brain cells and thus protect us from brain degeneration memory loss, and apart from improving our memory. I like to play memory games like Kim’s memory games. Here we lay out things on a table, all the people in the game should observe for a minute and then they are asked to list out the names of the things. The one who gets the maximum right answers wins the game.

Another memory game we used to play when we were in school was the game of listing out the names of persons, places, animals, and things. It is called “NAME, PLACE, ANIMAL, THING” game. It can be played by many people at a time. Everyone should have a writing pad or a sheet and a pencil or pen, and one has to start saying the letters of the alphabets silently in their mind when the others say “Start”. When they say “Stop” the person has to stop and tell out the letter at which she/he stopped. The game starts with this particular alphabet. Everyone has to write the names, and one who finishes first should stop the others at the count of 25. Then the names will be checked for correctness and marks allotted to each right answer. This is truly a memory game which involves recalling what we know earlier, and not an instant memory game. I enjoyed this game very much and did lot of preparations too, like finding the names of animals starting with different alphabets since this was usually the difficult part.

There were many memory games designed by our mother for us at home to make us stay back home during the rains, which were interesting too. One of them is home made matching cards. I love memory games and I am sure they have improved my mental ability tremendously.

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