by Mark
(Louisville, KY United States)

Tool – Schism

I would have to say that the motivational song that moves me the most is titled “Schism” by the band Tool. The song, to me, is about communicating with everyone around you. The singer, Maynard, puts into words thoughts and feelings I have had for many years.

My favorite verse in the song is: “I know the pieces fit, cause I saw them fall away, no fault none too blame, it doesn’t mean I don’t desire to point the finger, blame the other. Rediscover communication.”

That verse says to me, there is hope for humankind, if we could learn how to communicate with each other on a deeper level. The fact that I am not the only person that feels, we as a society, lack the communication skills to better us as a species, means a lot. The more people that think or feel something, the more likely it is that things can and will change.

Bob Marley has to be the most inspirational singer. All of his music is about uniting people from across the world. He sings of hope for humanity. I believe that the root of most depression is, the common belief that the human race is doomed. I hope and believe that it is not, and every time I hear someone sing or talk about uplifting everyone, it gives me more hope. The more people that hope and believe, the better the chances that there will be change.

Editor’s note: Thanks for sharing about the music that inspires you. Loved the lyrics of Schism. I agree with you there is a lot of scope for improving communication levels between us fellow human beings, and the song conveys that very well. Music is great as well. I have included its video link.

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